Take Five
Work has consumed my life for the past several weeks.* Not because I'm a supermodel**--far from it--but because my job has its nutty seasons. I look forward to a break, or at least a return to normalcy.
Meanwhile, I'm grateful for crazy-day foods: relatively shelf-stable ingredients that take under five minutes to prepare. As an example, what could you make with any combination of these five foods, in under five minutes?
frozen greens (kale, broccoli raab, spinach, etc.)
frozen sprouted legumes
frozen cubes of homemade pesto
What's your take on these five foods? Or what five would you choose?
This isn't a joke, and it is possible. Because my schedule gets jumbled, a few times a year, to a point where I really only have a few minutes to prepare food each day, I've developed a slew of recipes like this one: dump frozen greens into a bowl. Microwave for 3-4 minutes. Add hummus to taste. Stir. Serve.
Although super-fast recipes work on crazy, jumbled days, they don't have to be limited to such times. It's helpful to change the rhythm of food prep***--to take a break from the usual. Take Five. Part of the genius of the Dave Brubeck piece lies in its novel rhythm, inspired by Turkish folk dances. Sometimes, that kind of novelty--different pacing--provides just the refreshment we need.
*No time even for blogging! We should be back to the regular, once-a-week schedule now.
**I'm not a model, by any stretch of anybody's imagination. I did have one afternoon of modeling recently, though. I learned a tremendous amount; modeling really is (really) hard work. You can see the results of that day on the front and back covers of this book.
***or of something else, of course, but food prep is one place to start
More of these 5-minute recipes! And wow, the you on the cover is very chic! I did something last night with Brussels sprouts, avocado and rice noodles, but the sauce part was more complex--teriyaki-ish. Took longer than I had intended.
Sure, Sue. Name an ingredient--let's start with one and make some five-minute recipes out of it. What would you like to cook with?
Yes, you look fabulous on the book cover(s). (Well, you look fabulous always but your look in those photos is, as Sue said, tres chic.)
Hmm. Just one ingredient? That's hard.
There's teriyaki: soy, vinegar, ginger and garlic.
One kind of sweet and sour: soy, pineapple juice, and a little vinegar.
And a whole bunch of other types of Asian sauces with soy/fish sauce/ and/or vinegar and/or mirin and/or...
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